Browse Bath Tub Refinishing

Bath Tub Refinishing

    For many homeowners looking to re new their existing bathtub and who want to save the cost of having a new tub or liner installed, having us come into your home to Refinish and restore your existing bathtub may be your choice.The process we use has been time tested and proven by Kott Koatings.   We come into your house and in approximately half a day, we can provide you a brand new looking bathtub without removing your existing bathtub and thus saving you all plumbing and installation costs.   It is a proven process that we use that is very different from any other product on the market.   We have been doing this for years, which is why we can confidentially provide a long warranty on our Bathtub process.It is a special coating developed specifically for bathtubs.Our coating is very different than any other product used to restore bathtubs; We Certify that we Do Not use any Acid Etching compounds or materials (which are an extreme Health hazard and can damage septic systems & plumbing systems)

    In addition, Our products are also guaranteed not to yellow like epoxies and will not discolour as such.  And, we certify that our materials Do Not contain the ingredient TDI which has been shown to be Carcenogenic (cancer causing).  TDI is the basic ingredient in urethane which is used by other refinishers in their process.Our coating is not only safe, but long lasting!In addition, we can change the color of your bathtub…..so that old gold tub could be a nice new looking white color bathtub at a fraction of the cost of replacement.